Consumer Code

Consumer Code logos

We are committed to delivering a quality service throughout the homebuying process. This Customer Charter sets out our commitment to you.

Full details of our standards and service can be found within the Reservation Manual, a copy of which will be provided to you when you reserve your new Higgins Home.

  • We will provide you with full details and clear information about your chosen home
  • We will provide trained and knowledgeable staff to assist you through the buying process
  • We will attempt to be available to answer any questions you may have and will provide you with any relevant contact details
  • We will provide a friendly and informative sales process which will also include simple details about cancellation procedures should you no longer wish to proceed prior to exchanging contract
  • We will provide you with health and safety advice to minimize any risk of danger. The safety and wellbeing of you and your family is of paramount importance to us.
  • We will provide you with reliable information about the ten year Warranty Cover and manufacturers’ warranties from which you will benefit. A comprehensive guide will be provided within both your Reservation & Homeowners Manuals.
  • We will keep you informed about the progress of construction, completion and occupation dates of your new home
  • We will ensure that the facilities of your home are demonstrated to you prior to you moving in
  • We will inform you about the after-sales service we provide, as set out in the Homeowners Manual, a copy of which will be provided on completion of your purchase. Our aim is to deal effectively and efficiently with both routine service matters and with any emergencies
  • We will provide you with details of who to contact if you believe we have not satisfactorily fulfilled our Charter commitments

Higgins Homes support and comply with the Consumer Code for Home Builders. The purpose of the code is to ensure that Home Buyers:

  • are treated fairly
  • know what service levels to expect
  • are given reliable information upon which to make their decision
  • know how to access speedy, low-cost dispute resolution arrangements if they are dissatisfied

Further details are available at